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Morgan's Page

Emily has realized that he is somewhere on the trans-gender spectrum preferring to present as masculine and so has changed his name to Morgan (conveniently abbreviated to M, which is effectvely indistinguishable from Em).

Morgan graduated from Dartmouth High School in June 2014 and then did an undergraduate degree in aerospace engineering at Carleton University in Ottawa, graduating in 2019. He lived with Katy, Ben and Andrew for about a year but then moved back to Ottawa and shared an apartment with James for couple of years. He worked at Dominis Engineering for about a year but in the summer of 2021 took a position with InnovMetric, a company based in Quebec City that makes software to support manufacturing processes. For the time being, he will be staying in Ottawa, where he now is living in an apartment on his own, and working remotely.

I have left a link to some of his early artwork mostly because I enjoy looking at them from time to time. It is still labelled as "Emily's Art Album" because that's who he was at the time.

Art Album