All Chebucto account holders are alotted a certain amount of disk space that can be used for composing a web page. This space starts at just under 500 Kb in size and goes up from there, depending on what kind of account you sign up for. Some of our users have taken their disk space and arranged information and links together for the whole world to view and enjoy. Others keep it low-key by not subscribing to search engines, or not using <meta> tags in their HTML code. For those that have not made a web page, but might be considering it, there is no reason to wait any longer. All it takes is a little HTML (see the notes on HTML at the bottom of this page). You can dedicate your web page to almost any subject of interest under the sun. Do you have a hobby, sport, information, or any other talent that you would like to share with the rest of the world? Some people are even finding out that it can lead to career opportunities, with online résumés, or just plain old good exposure for their field of expertise. Below are a few CCN user profiles that you can view to learn more about starting one up, or in the very least, to find some good bookmarks.
Have a hobby, talent, or expertise on a certain topic? These people do and they want to show it all to you. Stop by and visit, you won't believe your eyes and might just get an idea of your own. Plus you will not have to run through the local sports stadium naked. Drew MacDonald's Command Station <aq733> This former submarine commander seems to have a natural talent for the arts and it can be proven with his "user profile". Drew has composed a very comprehensive web page that will take you through the chain of command and drop you off in a perfect position for getting a job done. There is everything here from the world's finests to links that can keep you ahead of the pack. You can spend as much time here as what must have gone into putting it together. "DIVE" in to search and seek some of the most unique web sites around on the WWW. Kelly Mercer's Web Page <aj890> Audio / Visual man that has the right stuff. Kelly's page is mostly dedicated to the beat of life; this drummer looks like he won't settle for anything but the best. Between his name and talent it is not hard to believe that he very well could be a distant cousin to another famous Nova Scotian drummer... Gary Mercer, of April Wine. This site is a must-see (pardon the pun) and hear. He even included some links that relate to the topic of his site, so get with the groove, pick up the beat and drop on by. Randy Gray's Mountain Bike, plus <at289> Randy has composed his page with an extremely smart cycling theme. Not only thinking about the subject of his interest, but dedicated to the community and text browser friendly. Hey, isn't that what we are all about? You can shift gears by following his 5th link named "Other stuff Randy is interested in". From there you can check out what he is up to when he is not busy repacking bearings or grinding cogs. Don't stop there, see what it's all about for yourself. Which reminds me, I have to get back to that "Fonts For Freaks" link. Aimée Pecile's [Mimouska] Page <ag477> This dreamscape page is a wonderful delight to view with Netscape, but that is not to say that you can't get anything from it with a text browser. She is a poet and we did not even know it. Visit such things as "The Wind Mill Of My Mind", "The Magic Land" and find out where Wonderland is. It doesn't stop there, Mimouska has many more delightful pages that promise to make a better world for everyone. Treat yourself today and visit all of her pages that compose her Profile. While you are there be sure to sign her guest book and tell her that you found her site from the Beacon. Many of the Profiles found with Chebucto are simply a useful combination of links that can be arranged in groups of subjects. These pages are set up similar to bookmarks in a more advanced fashion that can be a handy way of surfing the net. Don't put if off any longer! Get your own User Profile started today and take advantage of being a CCN Member. Joy Mendleson's Resource Page <ab522> There is everything on this endless site, from useful Chebucto utilities to information on dormant bank accounts. Someone dared her to compose this page and I am willing to bet they learned a valuable lesson and will think twice next time. She even tells of the joys of developing and maintaining a site at the top of the page. Drop by and visit such areas as useful searching tools, Halifax N.S., travel, magazines, weather, recipes and much, much more. Oh yes, let's not forget about the "very" text browser friendly detail. Davis S. Mosher <af779> There is something in here for the whole family, so pull up a few more chairs, gather around and let Dave be your host. You have his blessings to view his interesting links on employment, weather, the arts, sports, odds and sods, a great travel section, plus much more. View the document source of this, or any other page and see how easy it can be. To do so with lynx use the "\" (back slash) key of your keyboard and hit it again to return to normal viewing. Chris Donald Makes A Stand <ai256> This page should help bring us into the 21st century with his open-mindedness about how to let people live more productive lives during times of certain medical afflictions. Chris, along with 83% of Canadians, believe that there are better ways of treating some forms of diseases and the harmful effects of prohibition. See how our government is making criminals out of honest people and wasting a lot of taxpayer money on losing the battle. The last link on this page is a must-see, since we are on the topic of politics. Meteorologist Steve Weagle <ab161> You can imagine my surprize when I stumbled across this user profile. Steve, as you may already know, is a former local television host who used to enlighten us with his knowledge of "typical Halifax weather". He has moved on to bigger projects, but as you can see he stayed with us through CCN, keeping and maintaining his web page. He is also in a much better position to warn us about any threats or delights that nature might be sending in this direction. Use your web space to advertise your field of interest and show others your expertise. Hey, it might not be a giant billboard on Hollywood Strip, but I can tell you one thing, it's better. Bon Appétit Rick Hand's Wine Cellar <rhand> You might have noticed Rick's unique customized user name in his URL (the ~rhand). This is due to one of Chebucto's special offers to their users. It allows the owner of the account to choose a customized name and also gives them a whopping 5Mb. of web space. Walk straight through these doors to click such links as brewing tips, newsletters. or even his personal cidar recipe. I must warn you though, do not adjust the color or brightness of your monitor My Homepage <au517> You gotta be hungry after viewing all the above page, so I invite you to visit the "Cyber Chef Cook Book". There should be something in here for all types of palates, but if you can't find what you are looking for, or if you have any cooking related questions, please feel free to contact me and I'll be more than happy to help you out. Oh yeah, almost forgot, I'm writing the Headlands column, so I will also be happy to answer any other questions that you may have related to Chebucto, web pages, or HTML. If you decide to spruce up your profile, there's some things you should remember. You can't just write the file like you would write a document in a word processor. You have to write it in a format called HTML and other optional internet languages. If you primarily use Netscape or IE to surf the net, make sure that the page also looks good with Lynx, the browser that CCN uses. Read these tips on how to make your profile Lynx compatible while still using graphics and all the bells and whistles. If you use Lynx, try to make sure that your profile looks good with Netscape and IE when placing color, fonts, alignment and so on.
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