Editor's note: Until a new editor takes over Between Tips the Nova Scotia square and round dance community is going to have to make do with The Phantom. It will exist only in CyberSpace - I don't plan to distribute paper copies. New issues will be broadcast when enough content is on hand.
I ask you, dear reader, to occasionally send a short summary of recent events in your part of the Nova Scotia square and round dance world. Images are welcome; I will edit as needed. Send your contributions to the address shown below.
Number 6
December 2012
Editor: Gary Welch
Remember the Halifax National Festival 2010 closing ceremonies? A cute little bull named Maverick was presented to the participant who had travelled farthest to reach Halifax - in this case, Lofty Yamasaki from Japan. Your Editor recently learned that Lofty passed Maverick along at the 50th All Japan Square and Round Dance Convention [check "http://www.squaredance.or.jp/convention/2011/50thconv-eng.html"], where he was known as the Stuffed Buffalo", to a couple from Germany. Where do you suppose the little bull/buffalo is now?
Table of ContentsFew of us enjoy meetings, but organizations don't work well without them. Some of your dancing friends donate their time to operate the Federation for our benefit. The Federation Executive meets in January and April, and again after the Annual General Meeting in October. A summer meeting is usually held following the biennial Provincial Festival, and in alternate years if needed. Take a few minutes to find out what happened at two of those meetings. You can read the minutes and reports from the January meeting; the formats are "rich text (rtf)" and "pdf", respectively. A summary of the April meeting is also available from Marion McLellan, as is the report from ANSSRDT - the Association of Nova Scotia Square and Round Dance Teachers. The material from April is in the form of pdf and rtf files, respectively.
Table of ContentsMetro dancers visited the Community Living Group of the Anglican Church in Upper Tantallon on Saturday, May 5, 2012. After a short demonstration assisted by caller Dottie Welch, the dancers were joined by members of the audience who wanted to try square dancing themselves. Bob Ruohoniemi kindly supplied the following pictures.
The West Kings Twirlers celebrated their 25th Anniversary on October 19 with a special dance held at their home location in the Melvern Square Community Centre. The festivities began at 6:30 pm, with a potluck supper followed by dancing. About one hundred persons enjoyed the free admission dance made possible by the leaders’ generous donation of their time. Callers Nelson Labor and Laurie Illsley then emceed an unforgettable evening.
Nelson and Laurie (picture below) provided lists of all the classes they taught, so former members could be invited. Well wishes were received from the Federation and neighbouring clubs and throughout the evening, past-presidents were introduced. The decorating committee decked the Hall in lilac and white for the occasion. A bulletin board of pictures provided many “I remember” comments throughout the evening and Dave Longley and his camera recorded this new event in our history. A 50/50 draw was held and the winner received $120. Our president couple and their committee organized an outstanding celebration enjoyed by all.
Nelson and Laurie
From left to right: Frank VanDerPryt, Cheryl VanDerPryt, Joan Decker, Nelson Ross, Maddy Ross
Thanks to Dave Longley for providing the pictures.
Table of ContentsNeil & Cathy Dorey have retired as Sunrise Squares club caller couple. Club is negotiating with Valley callers for part time services and/or re scheduling dance program.
Berwick Belles & Beaus dance once a month, they hosted a 99th Birthday party for Ester Chute (known to many of you) in April.
Apple Valley Dancers have an average attendance at their weekly dance of 2-3 squares.
Fundy Squares dance weekly – they graduated eight new enthusiastic dancers last year.
Dice Hill Squares are dancing with reduced numbers; easy rounds are provided at all dances during the square dance breaks. A few nights contra dancing was introduced last year in the hopes of a square dance ‘spin off’. Club status will be reviewed end of December.
All clubs in Central Region are now dancing – most with reduced numbers. Their summer dancing was a loss this year with the possibility of being cancelled next summer.
Highland Squares membership remains constant. They have three squares spring and fall (dropping to 2 when snow birds fly south), one new class couple, and one couple moving from another area this year.
Bluenose RV Squares had no new members this year but realized an average of 28 couples over the six campout weekends.
Cumberland Twirlers dance three squares most nights. They currently have one mainstream class couple, and will be holding an open house in January. They frequently entertain at nursing homes and assist Tantramar Twirlers with the MASSIE (Mount Allison Student Semester in English) 3 times / year. A BBQ opened their fall dancing schedule.
Border Rounders continues dancing several levels weekly. They are enjoying their current membership and do not anticipate offering any more intro classes.
West Kings Twirlers & Mapleleaf Whirlaways both received 25 year Federation Longevity Awards this year.
Visiting dancers are welcome at all NS clubs; dance nights, times & locations are listed on Federation web site.
Gary is requesting more club news / pictures for use in the occasional issue of the Phantom. Keep him up to date on open houses and public dances; new entries for “We remember”. In the later case he needs name, DOD and member club(s) attended. “Club stories” need updating in many cases. He solicits any suggestions for improvements or notification of errors.
The Society appeal for Japanese square dance earthquake and tsunami victims was completed with $4,200 being sent to the Japanese Square Dance Association. The biggest portion of donations came from NS Federation, clubs and dancers.
There was an increase of $1/dancer & leader for 2013 Society membership and 3rd Party Liability insurance premiums. Additional payment dates have been introduced to accommodate new class members. The insurance company requires that names of insured individuals accompany the remittance.
Plans for 2014 Canadian National Convention / July 17-19 at new Ottawa Convention Centre, continue on track. Those planning to attend are encouraged to register early, as fee will increase by $25 on Jan 1, 2013.
Applications for the Society Professional Development Bursary Program received after June 15 deadline will be considered by the Board if the budgeted money has not been allocated by then. This is to encourage any new callers who may need an extra push to participate.
The Society is still searching for someone to become the chair of the Society Publicity Committee. Anyone interested is asked to contact the NS Society Directors, Bob & Inge Ruohoniemi (their term as NS Director expires 2014).
The 6th biennial Alguire Memorial Callers School will be held Aug 18 – 23, 2013 at Elm River Campground with Betsy and Roy Gotta of New Jersey as guest teachers, along with regular staff instructors Kerry Fletcher & Dottie Welch.
The 39th CALLERLAB Convention was held April 1-4 in Nashville, Tennessee. The triannual review of calls on each program made no changes to Basic, Mainstream or Plus
.President | Paul & Cathy Langille |
Vice President | vacant |
Secretary | Dottie Welch |
Treasurer | Russell & Mary Trimper |
Finance Officer | Marion McLellan |
Publicity Officer | Paul & Cathy Langille |
Publications Officer | John & Lynda Reid |
Between Tips Editor | vacant |
Webmaster & the Phantom | Gary Welch |
Historical Archivist | Clara & Harold Redden |
Awards Committee | Don & Carol Scott |
NS National Society Reps | Bob & Inge Ruohoniemi |
DANS Rep | Cathy Langille |
ANSSRDT Liaison | Dottie & Gary Welch |
Regional Reps | |
Central | Don & Carol Scott |
Valley | Murray & Joan Decker |
South Shore | Paul & Cathy Langille |
Fundy | Gerry & Marion McLellan |
Cape Breton | Lionel & Shannon Parsons |
Highland | Ralph & Barb MacDonald |
July 26-27, 2013 NS Summer Festival is being organized by members of ANSSRDT organization, hosted by dancers in Highland region. It will take place at NS Community College Campus in Stellarton. It promises to be a great time with air conditioned rooms and all tiled floors.
Unless we can make these events successful financially, they will not be available to our dancers in the future. Please promote this event at every opportunity from now until next summer.
Scheduled for 2nd weekend in June 2013; Carol & Don Scott will be looking for dancers to take part in demos.
West Kings Twirlers and Town & Country Dancers square dance clubs presented their business plans and were approved for promotional grants of $250 & $125 respectively. Funds are part of the $5,000 Festival 2010 profit being split between the 20 clubs in operation at that time, $250 / club. (Town & Country Dancers will apply for their remaining $125 in 2013.
Paul and Cathy’s introduction to square dancing began at the 1994 National Festival in Halifax as invited guests of Paul’s cousin and her husband. Paul stated, “it was clear the fun was not sitting and watching”. In Fall ‘94, while Paul was on assignment in Ottawa, and joined by Cathy, his cousin invited them to square dancing at their club in Kanata on Thursday evening. There, they received their first lessons and committed to pursuing square dancing upon returning to Dartmouth.
An inquiry through Dance Nova Scotia led them to one Dottie Welch who happened to be teaching at Lake City Swingers on Thursday evenings. From then forward, Paul and Cathy declared Thursday night square dancing as their “date nights” from September to May annually for the last 19 years. Currently, they are members of 4 clubs: Coordinators, LaHave River Ramblers, Sunrise Squares and Bluenose RV Squares. They are passionate about reviving square and round dancing throughout Nova Scotia and promoting contra dancing as opportunities present.
Paul and Cathy believe in using sound business practices supported by the latest technology used by not-for-profit organizations, and employing current marketing strategies for promoting our dance forms (square, round, contra) to draw new dancers and leaders.
Two hundred dancers and leaders converged on the Fredericton Inn during the first weekend in November for the 43rd Maritime Square and Round Dance Convention. The weather cooperated, recently acquired plastic flooring smoothed the dancing, and the calling and cueing were first-rate. If you weren't there, you missed a good time!
So, isn't square dancing just an old-folks's sport? Guess again! Two "boys" in this square are dancing with their granddaughters.
The following slide show contains 35 pictures, ordered chronologically starting with a picture of the registration desk. The show loops endlessly, but should halt when the cursor is moved over the current picture.
Table of ContentsThe next Alguire Memorial Callers School will be held in August 2013 at the Elm River Campground in Glenholme. The first page of the poster advertizing the school appears below; the Calendar of Events will lead you to the complete poster, including registration information.
From October through May you can dance contras and related dances once a month, on a Saturday evening in Halifax. The music is "live" traditional fiddle tunes, and no experience is necessary; all the moves you need are taught before every dance. Anyone who knows a bit of square dancing, however, is way ahead, as many contra moves are very similar to ones in the square dance world.
The pictures below were taken at the October dance.
Does this look like fun? The Calendar of Events links to the schedule for winter 2013.
Table of ContentsLaurie Illsley helping new dancers in Maitland
Sunrise Squares monthly dance at Maitland Community Centre Nov 16 2012 - facing the camera on the far left are Marion and David Oickle.
Final touches are applied to the entry for the Liverpool Christmas Parade, held Friday Nov 30.
Table of Contents* Want to dance the next tip but can't quite make a square? Experienced dancers know the solution: ask a phantom (or two) to fill in! Phantoms are spirits who come when needed, and do their part of the action so the real folks can dance. They are, however, quite mischievous, and their antics can cause all sorts of hilarious bloopers by real dancers! Thankfully, phantoms disappear when no longer needed. Like its namesake, this newsletter has come when needed. It's antics will be harmless. Hopefully it will soon disappear when Between Tips returns. Meantime, watch out for the latest contributions!