"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Bob Ruohoniemi, Editor, 6939 Hwy 1 Ardoise, RR 1 Ellershouse, NS B0N 1L0
phone (902) 757-3884 email:
MAY 2007 -- NUMBER 137
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You may download this MAY 2007 as a PDF file.
Editor's Comments:
This edition of BT has information from your Federation, 50+EXPO, FESTIVAL 07,clubs, & some history.If there is sufficient material, a June BT will be published. Deadlines: 15 May and 15 August
The Spring meeting of the Federation Board was held in Bridgewater on 21 April. The main business items were:
- The Federation Presidents, Ralph & Valerie Brown have been invited to receive a certificate of appreciationon behalf of the Square & Round Dance Clubs of Nova Scotia. This honour is for the fund-raising carried outfor the Heart & Stroke Foundation of NS. It will be awarded by the Lieutenant Governor of NS on 4 May.
- The Board approved the purchase of a TV capable of playing DVDs; to be used by any Federation members atexhibitions, shows, etc. It will be in the custody of Bob Ruohoniemi, who may be contacted for its loan.
- The Board approved the printing of 600 Summer Brochures to be distributed to Tourist Bureaus, Airports, Hotels, Ferry Terminals, etc. so that visiting Square Dancers will be informed about the NS dance schedule.
- The Awards Committee reported that several Longevity Awards would be made this year. It was suggestedthat they be given at FESTIVAL 2007 on 21 July.
- The Board accepted the nomination of Gerry McLellan as the new DANS Representative for the Federation.
- The Board nominated Cathy Langille to become a member of the DANS Board at the DANS AGM, 24 June.
- The Board accepted the nomination of Marion McLellan to the Finance Committee at AGM 07, 13 Oct.
- The Board Summer meeting will be held at 10:00am. 22 July at the Sackville Heights Community Centre.
The Federation has rented a booth at the annual Halifax 50+EXPO being held on 8 & 9 June at the ExhibitionGrounds. There is an opportunity to showcase our activity to thousands of attendees. The program guide will list Square Demos at 10am., 12, 1, 2, & 4pm. each day. Volunteer dancers are needed for these demos. They will be atan easy dance level, so all can enjoy themselves. Admission is free to dancers in traditional dress. To volunteer to join this event, contact Bob Ruohoniemi, (902)757-3884
If your club accepts new dancers, please send your Fall start dates & contact information now to Bob Ruohoniemi sohandouts can be printed.
This fund-raiser for Halifax National Festival 2010 will soon be here! Readers should mark their calendars for July 20 & 21, 2007. Festival 2007 will take place at Cole Harbour Place, Dartmouth with tile floors & full air-conditioning! Callers & Cuers from ANSSRDT & MCCA will provide Basic, Mainstream, Plus, & Rounds.It's hoped to have "special" entertainment and some "extra" features at this event.
News from Sunrise Squares
Sunrise Squares dance Friday nights 8-10pm. at theMARC in Dayspring Lun. Co., Neil Dorey 644-2757
Well here it is May already and Christmas and New Yearsare a memory. Sunrise Squares dancers are still talking aboutour New Years day Frolic at he Bridgewater fire Hall. Westarted with a delicious potluck supper, then followed byentertainment and dancing.
We were entertained by talented members of our club,some of these members were Irving and Geraldine Ramey,with Irving playing the fiddle, and Geraldine accompanyingon the keyboard. The Ukulele Players, and Jack MacNeil andthe True Tones, also Valerie and Ralph Brown, with Ralph playing the accordion, and Valerie on keyboard. Theevening closed with Neil leading us in the Friendship song.
Congratulations to Earl & Goldie Fancey on their 50th wedding anniversary. Valerie and Ralph Brown, Presidentsof the Federation, presented them with a certificate on behalf of the Canadian Society.
Until next time, Good Squares and Happy dancing! Written by Hazel Hebb/Club Historian.
![]() Jack MacNeil, Lorraine Wambolt, & Valerie Brown of the True Tones | ![]() Federation Presidents Ralph & Valerie Brown |
![]() Janet & Delmer Ritchey, Bob Ruohoniemi, Delta & Lorraine Wambolt |
News from Berwick Belles and Beaus
The Berwick Belles and Beaus held a special surprise Birthday celebration on 12 April at the Berwick RecreationCentre. The occasion was organized to honour the senior member of the club on her 94th birthday!
Family and friends joined in the party with a special cake, singing, and Esther's favourite activity - Square Dancing!
The evening also marked the 45th year of dancing for Esther. She has been a member of the Berwick Belles and Beaus for 44 years. The Club will be marking their 45th Anniversary this Fall with a special dance.
Esther received many expressions of warm good wishes on this special occasion as well as a certificate from theCanadian Square and Round Dance Society, presented by the NS Directors Bob & Inge Ruohoniemi.
The attending dancers shared a great time dancing to the the club caller Tommy Collins.
News from the Scotia Dancers
![]() Esther Chute |
![]() Ken & Jean Murphy receiving Appreciation Certificate from Scotia Dancers Presidents, Don & Carol Scott | ![]() Scotia Dancers 24th Spring Fling and 40th Anniversary Dance |
The recent square dance for heart, held in Waterville Fire Hall, was billed as the 15`" annual dance,which would make the first one being held in 1993. Looking through some archival materials recently, Ifound reference to a Heart Dance held in 1990. I had remembered this dance being held in the fall, but noone that I talked to had seemed to remember it. I now know the reason why I remembered it so well isbecause Harold and I organized it on behalf of the Haley Dancers Club.
Someone from the Heart and Stroke Foundation had suggested to caller Jim Alguire that itwould be a good charity for square dancers to support. He in turn had mentioned to Harold that it couldbe a good idea for a start-up fall dance. It could involve the public, by asking for pledges, and showingthe public what square dancing was all about. We might then benefit by signing up new dancers.
Somehow, Harold and I then became the organizers of this dance and it was held on Sept 15`",1990 at Horton High School. Funds raised totaled $800.00.
As guest entertainment we had Pomorze, a Polish Dance Group from Halifax, under thedirection of Dominic Gniewek, and the Western Kings 4H Club Square Dancers, under the direction ofMary Magee. Callers for the evening were Don Haley, Barry Walker and Cuer was Ken Atkinson.
Various nutritious snacks were enjoyed at the end of the evening, and copies of heart healthyrecipes for some of the snacks were available to take home.
Joan Fraser, the Executive Director of the Heart and Stroke Foundation, was present. As a formersquare dancer, she joined in the dancing. At the end of the evening, she expressed her thanks for the evening of fun and she was extremely impressed with the entertainment, refreshments and effort theclub had put in to the evening, and the available recipes for take home.
We had hoped that another club would get on the band-wagon and hold another dance the nextfall and it could be a regular happening. However, I was unable to find any further references to a HeartFund Dance being held here in the valley in the fall.
The next dance was held February 6`", 1993 organized by 8 valley square dance clubs and washeld in Berwick at the Lion's hall, and it became known as the 1'` Annual Square Dance for Heart.$951.00 was raised that evening. These annual dances have been held in the month of February. Regularentertainment at recent dances has been Mary's Islanders and we appreciate and enjoy their enthusiasticparticipation very much. Many, if not all of the recent annual dances, were co-ordinated by RainbowDancers. All available valley callers and cuers have participated.
The final total raised at this recent dance was $1300.00. It Appears that things have come full circle,because coordinators of the last two dances have been Harold and I. Our thanks to all who give of theirtime and participation to make these dances possible.
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