"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Alex Ritchie, Editor, 58 Oakdale Crescent, Dartmouth, NS B3A 2L8
phone (902) 469-1492 email:
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The Festival of Fun was hosted by the Valley Clubs at the Old Orchard Inn on July the 20th and 21st, 2001. Piper EdColeman led a procession of club representatives with their banners, Callers and Cuers, the Festival Executive, guestspeakers, and "Kings Fiddlers" to a large salon at the Old Orchard for the opening ceremonies.
Joan and Don Cameron, Chaircouple, welcomed dancers to the Festival and to the Annapolis Valley. ViceChaircouple Corinne and Al McNabb introduced the guest speakers. They were David Morse, MLA Kings South;Fred Whalen, Warden of the Municipality of the County of Kings; and Inge and Bob Ruohoniemi, President ofSRDFNS. The assembly was entertained by "Breaking Tradition" and by the "Kings Fiddlers". "Breaking Tradition"is affiliated with the Dukes of Kent; their songs, filled with humor, were a great big hit with the dancers. "KingsFiddlers" is a local group whose music put the dancers in the proper frame of mind to enjoy the remainder of thefestival.
The Callers and Cuers who made the festival a memorable weekend were Nelson and Pat Labor, Barry and ClaireWalker, David and Blanche Paulen, Dottie Welch, Jack and Dolores MacArthur, Kerry Fletcher, Alex Ritchie andBernice Thurber, and Ken and Jan Pineo.
The Festival Committee is a dedicated group who are cooperative, pleasant, and efficient in their approach to the job. As Chaircouple we would be thrilled to have an occasion to work with these individuals again, and we thank them formaking this an extremely successful festival.
Chaircouple | Joan and Don Cameron | Decorating | Connie and Bob McMahon |
Committee meetings were a time for the business at hand but always filled with good natured humour followed by anice lunch provided by committee members. Wilma and Laurie treated us to T-bone steaks at a meeting hosted attheir home.
There were 326 dancers registered for the Festival, 161 pre-registered and 165 registered at the door. We realized$5,222.50 from registrations and after expenses we had a surplus that made both the Festival Committee and theFederation happy. In addition $267.00 was raised from the sale of tickets on a duck carved and donated by BobMcMahon. The duck was won by Doug Hill. The draw for free registration among those who registered early waswon by Reid and Brenda Currie, Vice Chaircouple of National Convention 2002, to be held in Saint John, NewBrunswick, next July.
On Friday evening, Saturday morning, afternoon, and evening, there were three levels of Square dancing available,Basic, Mainstream, and Plus. Also Round dancing was available both evenings and there were teachers Saturdaymorning.
All dancers gathered in opened Salons D & E for the Closing Ceremony. Draws for the 'Duck' and for a 'Clock'(made and donated by Harold Redden) were done by Dianne Milligan, Executive Director of Dance Nova Scotia. Shealso brought greetings from Dance Nova Scotia. The 'clock' was won by Esther and Al LeBlanc. The "Order of GoodTimes" was presented by Monsieur DeMont (Allison McGee in costume) to all those attending the festival fromoutside the Province. Monsieur DeMont traveled through time nearly 400 years to be at our function. At this point inthe evening all the Callers and Cuers gave the dancers one final time to dance.
It was just before my time to bring the festival to close that I realized that this had been an extremely successfulweekend. This was due to the Committee's hard work, the top-notch entertainment in the opening ceremonies, theexcellent calling and cueing, and the wonderful facilities. The dancers who joined us made this truly a Festival of Fun.I thank you for coming.
The Festival of Fun was closed with the Friendship Ring led by Caller, Nelson Labor.
On Friday 13 July 2001 Four Season Squares hosted a Square Dance toKick-Off the Bear River Cherry Carnival. This was held at the BearRiver Fire Hall and the Guest Caller was Gloria Roth of Clementsport.There were thirteen squares in attendance and quite a number ofspectators. Dancers came from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick andNewfoundland. Half-way through the evening a number of "Cherry"related prizes were drawn for and a lady from
Newfoundland receivedthe prize for the
"Out of Province Dancer".
Before serving the lunch ablessing was given by Bill Troupe. The evening concluded with thetraditional Friendship Ring. Everyone then socialized and enjoyed abountiful lunch which ended with "Cherry Pie" and "Cherry Vanilla IceCream".
Hopefully, the year 2002 will see a repeat of a Kick-Off Dance forCherry Carnival!
All the Cape Breton Clubs, namely: Town & Country Dancers, Highland Capers, Margaree Swingers,and Celtic Round Dancers; have finished their programs for the current 2000-2001 year. Dancing willresume in all cases late September or early October 2001. Closings were held for all clubs in the first 15 daysof May. Each club had dancers graduate and Town & Country installed a new Executive. The past year wassuccessful with many special functions (Christmas - Spring - Heart Fund - Workshops -Demonstration, etc.).Summer dancing is being looked at but nothing is definite thus far.
Submitted by Rod & Eileen MacNeil, Regional Representative
At the dance following the last meeting of the Federation it is to be noted that the Stardusters contributed tothe benefit dance with a cheque for the amount of $200.00 from their club to help the cause, great jobpeople. This is how we in the square dance community help where we are needed it was a great dance andall that attended had a fun time.
Most of the clubs in the central region are now closed for the Summer. The Metro Association is putting ontheir summer dances once more on every Tuesday (for newly graduated Mainstream dancers) and onThursdays (for full Mainstream and Plus dancing) the cost is still only $6.00 a couple. Spread the word andlets all get out and enjoy the summer as well. Location is St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 216 SchoolStreet , Dartmouth. Time 8 till 10 PM, Square Dance attire please , but tasteful casual attire acceptable on hotnights. These Summer dances are being well attended this year with an average of 4 squares each night,which is the break even point for this event.
The Dance for the Heart was snowed out it was rescheduled and relocated but went off rather well with anamount of $789.00 being collected for the cause, good job. No demo dances by the Metro Association areplanned for this fall, but we will once more be involve in the 3 natal day parades as we were last year. Wethink that we get a better bang for our time as we have a large crowd supplied by others and can get abetter benefit from it. This is something that the other regions should look into as it will get your clubs seenby more people for less cost and time. They also have a new chair couple in the form of Barry and DyanneBendle and as of Wednesday May 16 a new vice-chair couple in the form of Pauline and Junior Arsenault. Pauline & Junior are also planning for a new years Gala for the Metro Area look for details shortly.
50+ expo was held and a good time was had by all who took part, we even had a couple fromNewfoundland take part on both days. We would like to thank all those who took part.
The newest club in the Federation " The Raspberry Squares" has graduated 6 couples this spring and nowwill be able to hold regular dances and are looking forward to visitations from all the established clubs.
Submitted by Don and Carol Scott, Central Region Representatives
CUMBERLAND TWIRLERS Submitted by James and Dorothy Trueman, Club Representatives
In February, all dancers enjoyed a Valentine Dance which was held at the Nappan Pavilion withVicki Elliott as guest caller. In March, an annual home-made ice-cream and cake social was held with allproceeds presented to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. In April, a Western night with fun-for-all washeld. The costumes and menu were based on a western theme. A square dance clothing sale was held andall proceeds were donated to the Hospital Foundation and the Highland Fling Association. The classgraduation and closing dance was held on May 15. A summer square dance is scheduled to take place onJune 12 at the Pavilion in Nappan with the proceeds being donated to Camp Tidnish. Plans are underwayfor demonstration square dancing to take place at the Amherst Mall sometime during the month of Augustwith the hope of recruiting new members. The opening fall square dance will be held on September 4th, 2001and a Blueberry Dance is scheduled for September 8th with Ron Lowe as guest caller.
In March, Eight couples from the Cobequid Twirlers Square Dance Club attended the HighlandSquares Saint Patrick's Day Dance. The four class couples, under the guidance of their caller Ed Gilesdanced at the Townsview Estates Nursing Home. In April, Five couples from the Cobequid Twirlersattended the Spring Fling which was held at Mount Saint Vincent University. The club held a generalmeeting on May 8, 2001 to determine future plans for our club. Because of declining members, the clubvoted unanimously to become a caller-run club beginning in September of 2001 with Ed Giles as club caller.With a special effort directed toward recruiting new members, it is the desire of both club members andcaller to begin a class when square dancing resumes in September. Our Annual Lobster JamboreeWorkshop, supper and dance were held at the Bible Hill Junior High School on May 12 with Pat Alguire asguest caller and Alex Ritchie as cuer. On May 15th the class graduation for four couples under theleadership of Ed Giles and club caller Barry Bendle took place. A colourfulceremony, decorated dance hall, graduation cake and good dancing wasenjoyed by all. Best of luck to all graduate dancers. Due to the decliningmembers of our club, and the lack of funds available to support two callers,it was with sadness that we said goodby to Barry Bendle our club and classcaller for the past five years and his lovely wife Dyanna. Our president AlMacEachern and his wife Ann on behalf of the club members, presentedBarry with an engraved plaque and Dyanna with a bouquet of flowers. Weall wish Barry well in his new endeavour beginning in September when hebecomes the caller for the Square Dance Club in Bridgewater.
STRATHMORE STRUTTERS Submitted by Murray and Jean Berry, Club Representatives
The Strathmore Strutters had another enjoyable quarter. There was always a good turnout forweekly mainstream dancing on Monday and plus dancing Wednesday. I am sure the dancing helped tomake the longer than normal winter, with all the snow, pass quickly. An old fashion sleigh ride took placein January followed by a supper of beans and brown bread in Bob s Hall. We then had a few hours ofsocializing playing various card and board games. The February Frolic, at Edith and Morley Dilliman shome, was a great time for all 25 or so couples that attended. It was an afternoon and evening of games,excellent company and a pot luck supper that was very delicious. Edith and Morley always make this anevent to look forward to each year. Our valentine party was very entertaining with dancing, games and ofcourse lots to eat. The ladies brought the lunches and the men picked names as to what lady they would eatthe lunch with. Bob and Phyllis hosted a very successful amateur caller s night on March 12. Elevenamateurs took part in all the calling that evening for the enjoyment of six squares. Phyllis and Bob outdidthemselves with all the preparations for the event. This included presenting to each amateur caller a framedOutstanding Achievement certificate with an attached photograph of the amateur caller in action from thatevening s event. We had one couple graduate in May. The year started with a few more couples attendingbut they were unable to continue through to graduation. The club was able to get a few banners thisquarter and we lost our banner a number of times to visiting clubs. We continue to dance at least once amonth at seniors residences throughout the Truro area. The seniors may not be able to dance in theirpresent condition but they sure enjoy listening to our caller s singing as well as watching the dancing. TheStrathmore Strutters were invited to put on dancing displays at a number of elementary schools in thecounty. The request was to assist with the children in their studies of pioneers, and the type ofentertainment they had in that era. These visits are a lot of fun as Bob and Phyllis, with the assistance of thedancers, always include teaching the children a number of basic movements and has them up dancing.Some of the children are a little shy at first but once they get involved, they really enjoy themselves.
After the long winter, the members are looking forward to a relaxing summer.
THE HUB TRACKERS Submitted by Jack and Dolores MacArthur
The Hub Trackers started their spring schedule on April 20 with about seven squares dancing. Theywill be dancing for the month of May with a closing dance on May 25th, 2001. There is very little to report atthis time as we have been back dancing such a short time.
The Maple Leaf Whirlaways resumed dancing on January 8th. 2001 after ourChristmas recess. On January 11th our club along with The Highland Squares hosted a benefit dance forLaura Brunelle which was well attended. Square dancers Ralph and Barb Mac Donald, Allister and HarrietCameron along with Laura s Grandmother, Mabel Brunelle visited Laura s hospital room and presentedLaura and her Mother, Claire with $600.00 the proceeds from the benefit dance for Laura s ongoing care.The 17 year old has Pulmonary Fibrosis. Thank to all who supported this dance as it was very muchappreciated. In February we hosted a Valentine party with Highland Squares as our quests. In March someof our Club visited The Strathmore Strutters Square Dance Club and The Highland Squares St. Patrick'sParty. In April two of our Club Members Judged the 4H Rally Dancing Competitions. On May 14,weclosed our Year with a pot luck Supper with Jack & Dolores MacArthur as our guest, this was followed byan evening of Dancing. In June we plan to have our annual Barbecue.
In February The Highland Squares visited the Maple Leaf Whirlaways and The Cobequid Twirlers tohelp celebrate Valentines. In March they hosted an Irish party with caller Jack Mac Arthur and other guests. Many visitors from clubs in Lower Onslow, Truro, Antigonish and Tatamagouche attended. A good timewas had by all. In April they begun a class with 3« couples and danced at the Shiretown Nursing Home inPictou. On May 5th they hosted a May Pole dance with callers Jack Mac Arthur and Guests. They hope tomake this an Annual event. A Demo dance was presented at the Saltsprings Elementary School. Theirclosing supper was held at Sunnybrae catered to by the Rebecca Lodge. The club choose this occasion tohonour Dolores MacArthur for all of her kindness to the group. Dolores was presented with a gift and apoem by Lola Patterson and Ann Mills. The club was also invited by the Shiretown Nursing Home to aBuffet supper as a Thank you to their seasonal Volunteers. The Highland Squares also hold monthly eventsduring the summer.
Submitted by Allister and Harriet Cameron, Highland Regional Representatives
The South Shore Clubs have closed for regular dancing for the summer. The Jolly Rogers Squares,who are still without a caller, failed to have a dance this year; however, most of the dancers have beendancing as guests of other clubs. A meeting is being scheduled soon to decide the future of the Club.
The Sunrise Squares held a closing dance at Maitland Hall on Friday, May 11th and plan to resumedancing on Friday, September 28th. The Club accepted an invitation to put on an hour demonstration at theSouth Shore Exhibition on Thursday, July 26th as part of the regular entertainment.
The Double Dorey Squares of New Germany have closed for the summer and will resume dancing inlate September. LaHave River Ramblers held a Heart Dance and their annual Friendship Dance with KerryFletcher as guest caller.
On Tuesday, May 8th Laurie and Elizabeth Hutchcroft did their last regular calling for the LaHave River Ramblers. They started this club thirteen years ago and it has grown from one square to a very activeclub, stealing banner, attending conventions, festivals, Spring Flings and other special dances. Laurie andElizabeth have moved out of the area and now live in Cornwallis. The Club made a special night out of thefinal dance of the season to honour Laurie and Elizabeth. Dancers were given the opportunity to recallexperiences in the Club and thanked Laurie and Elizabeth and wished them the best in the future.
Frances and I had an opportunity to also thank them on behalf of the Square and Round DanceFederation of Nova Scotia for all they did for the Club and for promoting square and round dancing. Wewished them all the best for the future. We also wished the Club and new caller all the best when theystart-up in the fall. Laurie is scheduled to call a dance in Newfoundland this summer. Laurie and Elizabethplan to organize a Square Dance Caravan to Newfoundland after the 2002 National Convention in SaintJohn, New Brunswick. The Club is pleased to have acquired Barry Bendle as their new caller. Time, dateand place of fall dancing to be announced.
The Bluenose Twirlers Club of Yarmouth held a special dance on Saturday, March 24th at theBurridge Community College to honour Elmer Lennox and his wife for his thirty-five years of calling andalso to honour two couples, Glen and Kaye Gavel and Art and Bernice Hall, for thirty-five years of squaredancing. This evening began with a delicious dinner, catered to be the college, followed by presentationsand acknowledgements and best wishes from several organizations. Bob and Inge Ruohonumi, were inattendance representing the Square and Round Dance Federation of Nova Scotia and presented Federationcertificates to those being honoured along with congratulations and best wishes. Ten callers then took turnscalling the dance which ended with the Friendship Ring. The Club has closed for regular dancing for thesummer, however, they will host the Trail-In Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Exchange Dance on Friday, June22nd at Holy Trinity Parish Hall.
On Wednesday, May 16th another Testimonial evening of a dinner and presentations was held at theAustrian Restaurant in Yarmouth followed by a dance at the Burridge Community College where all callerspresent called. Those honoured were Shirley and Burleigh Nickerson for 35 years of calling and Wes andMarion Spinney and Art and Fran Cadra who started dancing in Shirley s original class. Shirley was thefirst female Western Square Dance Caller in Nova Scotia. All three couples are still very active in squaredance activities.
Frances and I, as South Shore Representatives of the Federation, congratulated them all andpresented them with Federation Certificates. It was a pleasure for us to represent the Federation as we havedanced many times to Shirley and danced in squares with all six dancers over the years. Sam and DotCummings deserve a great deal of credit and thanks for the great organizational work they did in setting upthis event.
Submitted by Leslie Smith and Frances Dalziel
After a stormy winter which caused many cancellations, all the clubs are winding down for thesummer. For those who wish to dance during the summer months, Admiral Dancers will be dancing everyThursday night at the Trinity Church hail in Digby. Four Seasons Squares will also be dancing all summer on Friday nights at the Deep Brook parish hail. June 1st & 2nd will be the Apple Blossom dances, June 23rdthe Danseurs Acadiens will be celebrating 35 years of dancing along with their 14th Annual NS-NBExchange Dance. On July 20th & 21st will be the "Festival of Fun" at the Old Orchard Inn. June 12th will besee the Annapolis Valley square dance clubs begin their summer dance program every Tuesday untilAugust 21st at Morden Community centre and on August 10th 11th & 12th will be the annual Port Georgecamp out.
To prove that you can still find love through square dancing, Tommy Collins and Louise Pattersonwere engaged at Christmas.
Feb. 24th the Waterville Fire hall was the scene of generosity in action once again. The Valley Squaredance clubs held their Annual Dance for the Heart with 15 squares in attendance. $1187.00 was raised forthe cause. On March 31st the Fundy Squares celebrated their 15th Anniversary at the Kingston School, atwhich time they paid tribute to Wilfred and Goldie Burns, the founders of the Club. Wilfred called for 14 ofthose 15 years.
The Valley Region has a new club called Valley Square Dance Club, caller Jim Webber.Also new to the Valley region is caller and cuer, Laurie and Elizabeth Hutchcroft, they have purchased ahouse and moved to Cornwallis.
Our region mourns the lost of three of our great square dancers. Ken Atkinson passed away Feb. 27thHe was caller for the Hightide Twirlers, Valley Promenaders, and the K&M Rounds. Ruth Wilson passedaway March 21st. They will both be missed greatly by the dancing community.
Submitted by Roger & Irene Comeau.
This year, thanks to Harold Redden, a sun screen cover was added to the Federation's ParadeTrailer. Not only does this cover protect dancers from the heat of the sun or effluent from clouds, it adds tothe trailer's pleasing appearance. Very nice job Harold. Hear you see the 'Float' coming and going atthe Natal Day Parade in Dartmouth.
September is here and most clubs are beginning a new season of dancing. If you haven't already registeredit is time to get serious and register and make accommodation bookings.The major functions you should consider are:
1) The 32nd Maritime Square & Round Dance Convention, November, at the Westin in Halifax. If youplan to stay at the Westin book your room before September 30 because on October 1st any roomspreviously reserved for dancers and are not taken will be available to the general public.
2) The 13th Canadian National Square & Round Convention, July, Saint John, New Brunswick.