Chebucto Community
CCN Board Minutes
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Chebucto Board
November 17, 2010 Board Minutes
Serving Your Community's Online Needs Since 1994.
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
November 17, 2010
- Mary Ansell
- Deborah Dostal
- Bernie Hart
- Marilyn MacDonald
- Kent Murray
- Johnathan Thibodeau [arrived part way through meeting]
- Alan Turner
- Jeff Warnica
- Richard Connolly
- Terry Dalton
- Andrew D. Wright
Minutes of last meeting
Bernie moved approval of the October 15, 2010 minutes and Marilyn
seconded; carried.
Committee Reports
Financial Report
Alan reported that income exceeded expenses for both September and
October. Expenses were all in line except for the insurance. At the year
to date, the income will exceed expenses by about $12,000 which will put
CCN in a positive position. Alan moved acceptance of the report and
Marilyn seconded; carried.
Technical Report
Johnathan was yet not present at the meeting. Alan reported on the power
outage. The equipment did not come back on so Andrew and Johnathan came
in on Sunday morning to restart it.
Progress on Gerard Hall
There needs to be a qualified person to install the cable. Marilyn put
forth a motion to approve the cost of training for Johnathan and Andrew
to get certification for cable installation at a cost of about $200 to
$300; Mary seconded. Jeff noted that they will need to have experience in
the field before they can install the cable. The Board will take this back
to Andrew and Johnathan. An amendment to the motion was made to approve
the cost of training if it will serve our purpose; motion carried with one
Approach to the CRTC
Bernie heard back from Bell Aliant and read the letter to the Board. They
are not going to offer us a special rate. Assuming a minimum of 100
people, the cost is prohibitive. There was no response from Eastlink.
Andrew had suggested that we get in touch with our business contact at
Eastlink. Bernie made a motion to give Eastlink another two weeks then to
write a letter to CRTC regarding the response from both companies. Marilyn
seconded and the motion was carried.
Role of Board Members and Relationship to Staff
Richard and Deborah had met and put together a list of terms of reference
and expectations of Board members. This was distributed for discussion at
the next Board meeting.
Marilyn outlined the demands on Johnathan and Andrew including working
nights and weekends. The Executive had met to discuss remuneration and
brought recommendations to the Board meeting. It was recommended that
Johnathan be given an honorarium of $3500 and that Andrew be put on full
salary for six months with CCN monitoring the sustainability. If it is not
sustainable after six months he will be put back on half salary. Andrew
would rather be put on full salary rather than receive an honorarium
because of tax implications. Jeff pointed out that this might change the
nature of the relationship between the Board and staff. Deborah moved
acceptance of the package for Johnathan and Andrew and Mary seconded;
YouTube presentation
We now have the equipment to do a good presentation to put on YouTube. It
is hoped that Terry will help to put on a shortened version of a town hall
presentation. It should motivate the community to think about what can be
done to provide Internet access for those who can't afford commercial
access. The message should go out to the government and community that the
Digital Divide does not just refer to rural/urban, but also to age and
affordability. Andrew will be told to go ahead with the presentation.
Other business
Jeff passed out a submission which puts forth a list of issues we should
be considering as infrastructure requirements.
Bernie moved adjournment at 7:35 p.m.
Next Meeting: December 15, 6:30 p.m.